Introduction to Woodturning Class – Saturday May 4th

Saturday, May 4th we will be conducting an introduction to woodturning class at our shop on the site of the Georgia State Railroad Museum, 655 Louisville Road, Savannah.  9:00 a.m. to noon.  The cost will be $25 including materials and entrance fee to the Railroad Museum.  If you have an interest, please come on Saturday or contact Dan Lee at
Going forward, we plan on having Woodturning Classes / Open Lathe from 9:00 a.m. until noon on the 1st Saturday of every month. Please keep an eye out for updates each month.  If anyone has an interest in taking a basic woodturning class, this is the perfect opportunity and perfect venue.  More advanced classes may be offered depending on interest.  Advanced classes would generally be in the evening or on an alternate Saturday.  The cost for basic classes will be $25 including materials and entrance to the Railroad Museum.  If you are an LCT member and would like to use one of the clubs lathes on a 1st Saturday morning, come join us. Just remember that you will be required to pay an $8 admission fee to Museum if you are not a CHS member.  Only our Thursday evening monthly demos are exempt from the Museum entrance fee.